SJPBC is Brian Rinaldo!

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Brian Rinaldo is our lone standing foundation member, and the day the 94 year walked into the new bowls area – the PowerHouse, and saw the name of the new bar, ‘Rinaldo’s Bar’, that moment was priceless!

St Johns Park Bowling Club has been at the forefront of Brian’s mind for the past 70 years. If you want to know some stories about the club, chances are Brian is the man!

We simply can’t write an article long enough to go through each story Brian would love to share, but one story he is ultra proud of, is how Brian and some of his very generous mates back in the early stages, donated their time, labour, and resources to build a shed and a green. His aim of this was to build a club known as ‘the country club in the city’. And of course as history would have it, that’s how St Johns Park Bowling Club was established.

Brian has had a tournament named after him for the past 18 years. But what’s better than having a tournament named after you? Having a bar named after you!

The day Brian walked in to discover the name of the new bowlers bar, he had to be helped to a table as he broke down in tears. And still, everyday he walks into the Powerhouse and see’s the name of the bar, (if you’re quick), you can see Brian standing there by himself, looking at his name edged into the wall with a tear in his eye, proud as punch.

Brian may not have his name on the honour boards as much as some quality players that have passed through our front doors, but one thing is certain, that Brian’s legacy will be the passion and hard work he has put into our club, St Johns Park Bowling Club.

Cheers Brian!

St Johns Park Bowling Club Group

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